Lives ALAPTE | 2020
Lives ALAPTE | 2020
Lives ALAPTE | 2020
Lives ALAPTE | 2020
Lives ALAPTE | 2020
Lives ALAPTE | 2020
LASTEP Lives | 2020
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil and worldwide, LASTEP organized for the second half of 2020 two "LIVES" aimed at maintaining its scientific activities and the continuous training of its members. Thus, two "LIVES" were programmed:
October 1st, 2020 | 19: 00hs | Fundamental concepts to understand the adverse effects on the immune / lymphoid system.
Presenter: Professor Dr. Maria Lúcia Zaidan Dagli | DVM; MSc .; PhD
Department of Pathology | FMVZ | USP
ALAPTE Secretary
***** NEW DATE AND TIME *****
November 5th, 2020 | 20: 00hs | Vaccine development and its safety aspects: the importance of Toxicological and Experimental Pathology.
Presenter: Prof. Dr. Luiz Carlos de Sá Rocha | DVM; MSc .; PhD
Department of Pathology | FMVZ | USP
Member of the National Institute of Science and Technology | INCT
Immunology Research Institute | iii
President of ALAPTE
The design and execution of toxicological studies that support the development of vaccines have several elements unique to the conduct of traditional studies in support of small molecules or monoclonal antibodies. This course was developed to provide an overview of vaccine development, with an emphasis on regulatory guidelines and special considerations on vaccine development (prophylactic and therapeutic), study design (including species selection), unique technical considerations, and anatomical and clinical pathologies.
Introduction to vaccine developments; Animal models to support vaccine development; Points to consider when designing and implementing vaccine studies;
Interpretation and Correlations of Pathological and Clinical Anatomy; Determination of adversity: contributions of local tolerance, acute phase reactants and systemic reactivity
It seems like a long time ago but it was yesterday, 01/10/2020, the first LIVE ALAPTE given by the Professor
Maria Lúcia Zaidan Dagli.
Click here to access supporting documents for LIVE_01_2020_ALAPTE