Lives ALAPTE | 2020
Lives ALAPTE | 2020
Lives ALAPTE | 2020
Lives ALAPTE | 2020
Lives ALAPTE | 2020
Lives ALAPTE | 2020

What is Toxicological and Experimental Pathology
Toxicological Pathology is a discipline in the biomedical field that applies the professional practice of Pathology (study of diseases) to Toxicology (the study of the adverse effects of chemicals, and other agents), with the aim of studying the causes and mechanisms and disease induced by environmental agents in both humans and animals.
Experimental Pathology, on the other hand, creates and develops animal models ( in vivo ) and cellular and tissue models ( in vitro ) to unravel the pathophysiological and toxicological mechanisms associated with diseases, always considering the possibility of their mitigation.
Professionals working in Toxicological and Experimental Pathology (PT&E) , characterized by different academic backgrounds, are linked to teaching and research institutions, agencies from different spheres of government, the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, and contracted scientific research organizations (" CROs "), or act as consultants.
They use classic techniques of clinical pathology, anatomopathology and histopathology as well as modern and advanced techniques of molecular and cellular biology in diagnoses and projects for the development and evaluation of the efficacy and safety of new molecules.
These professionals, dedicated to the integration of Toxicological and Experimental Pathology (PT&E) with other disciplines, aim to identify the danger, and evaluate and communicate the risk, thus protecting humans, animals and the environment from possible harmful effects resulting from the use of substances chemical.
They always seek greater security, giving reliability to the use of chemical substances by modern and industrialized societies.
* Updated and approved by the ALAPTE Publication Committee on 10/27/2020