Lives ALAPTE | 2020
Lives ALAPTE | 2020
Lives ALAPTE | 2020
Lives ALAPTE | 2020
Lives ALAPTE | 2020
Lives ALAPTE | 2020
LASTEP sees a society that is increasingly safe and responsible in the use of new chemical, biotechnological and nano-technological technologies. He sees an increasingly scientific and technological future, where the new techniques will need a sincere and simple translation for society as a whole, at the risk of seeing such scientific and technological advances being denied by significant segments of this same society, the primary and subject of scientific advances. For LASTEP , the future must be shared with everyone, with safe and effective use of new technologies, and with the training of human resources at all educational levels. Thus, we see in the future in our reach handle:
Scientific dissemination | LASTEP intends to participate in the worldwide movement that seeks to reach diverse social strata through qualified scientific dissemination and certified by specialists in the field of Toxicological and Experimental Pathology (TE&P).
Human resources training | We will fulfill our mission and our vision in the training of specialized human resources to work in Toxicological and Experimental Pathology (TE&P) through extracurricular and specialization courses, workshops (national and international), congresses and a critical view of all subjects covered in this area of knowledge .
Transparency and multiplication of scientific knowledge | We will always give full transparency to the issues dealt with within our Association so that everyone can analyze, understand and criticize the knowledge generated. We will respect all strategies for the development and dissemination of new chemical products (pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, agrochemicals, others), as well as different scientific communications and regulations (within ethical limits of good rules for valuing scientific and technological knowledge) generated by our associates and / or partners, whether academic, governmental, business and / or industrial.
* Updated and approved by the ALAPTE Publication Committee on 10/27/2020